Ying and yang, black and white, sugar and spice. Paula y Los Besos took the same binary route when titling its double-EP debut, 1 and 2. Paula released both albums in December last year, meaning we’re a little late to the party but, hey, someone forgot to change our clocks from Latino rockstar time.
Paula y Los Besos is the stage name for Buenos Aires artist Paula Trama, which, let’s be honest, sounds a lot more interesting than her real name. It’s also more accurate, given the types of acoustic tunes she writes. The besos on the first album are sweet, loving, and tender, while the besos on the second are bittersweet and melancholic.
1 also features a cover of T. Rex’s “Cosmic Dancer” titled “Bailar,” while the sequel has two covers: Johnny Cash’s “Ring Of Fire” (“Pozo De Fuego”) and Robert Wyatt’s “Free Will And Testament” (“Libre”).
Check them out below.