Today, in important meme news, we present the fact that MC Dinero closed out the 2015 MTV Millennial Awards last night with a live performance of the staggeringly bad freestyle that put him on the map. He also took home the award for “Viral Bomb.”
But the real news to me was that the MTV Millennial Awards are a thing that exists, confirming my suspicions that I should just give up, move to Park Slope, resign myself to my slowed collagen production, and develop curmudgeonly world views about the entitled attitude of 20-somethings.
From what I can gather from the award categories and nominees, the purpose of these #relevant awards is to give out trophies to people who have social media #klout. And also to revisit stuff everybody was talking about on Facebook that one time and then promptly forgot (see: that one time Kim Kardashian cropped North out of her picture. Also, Klout).
But sure, might as well celebrate internet jokes that are as ephemeral as our fleeting, fleeting youth, amirite?