Turns out, Santa Claus is a Mexican abuelito. In Juchitán, Oaxaca, a southwestern Mexican state, an elderly man turned his motorcycle taxi into a sleigh in order to spread Christmas cheer to all the kiddies in his neighborhood.
At 75 years old, Jerónimo Flores makes a living by driving people around. But this holiday season, he dipped into his savings account to deck out his mototaxi and make the ride an experience young passengers won’t forget.
Painted red and white with sparkling lights and a mini Christmas tree, the sleigh looks like it came right out of the North Pole. He takes his holiday generosity one step further by offering the little ones free rides on the sleigh.
Flores emptied his savings to put 12,000 pesos into the redesign. With the help of his own adult children, he built the charming sled by hand.
“It gives me this pleasure, this joy of seeing the children,” Flores told Sopitas in Spanish.
Flores’ sleigh and his devotion to the children of Mexico have earned him the nickname the “Santa Claus de Juchitán.” Take that, Kris Kringle.