
On Anniversary of Devastating 1985 Earthquake, Mexico Hit By 7.1 Quake

Lead Photo: Photo by John Moore / Staff / Getty Images News
Photo by John Moore / Staff / Getty Images News

As Mexicans recover from the magnitude 8.2 earthquake that hit the country on September 8, an earthquake of 7.1 magnitude struck. The center was east of the state of Puebla, according to the Los Angeles Times. Mexico City, which is about 76 miles away, also felt the affects. The Washington Post reports that the city, which is built on a former lakebed, feels earthquakes that are hundreds of miles away. The tremor comes exactly 32 years after one of Mexico City’s major earthquake, which killed as many as 1,000 people, according to The New York Times.

It’s been a particularly difficult month for Mexico. The same day the September 8 earthquake hit, a Category 1 hurricane made landfall in Tecolutla. Given the amount of damage it caused, the Mexican government was forced to rescind its aid offer to the United States. Texas, which was dealing with the devastating consequences of Hurricane Harvey, had accepted Mexico’s offer. “Given these circumstance, the Mexican government will channel all available logistical support to serve the families and communities affected in the national territory,” the foreign ministry statement said, according to Reuters.

But now with its third natural disaster this month, it’s important to remember that the country (as well as Guatemala, which was also affected by the September 8 quake) will continue needing our help. Social media has already been flooded with images and videos of collapsed buildings and split roads. As we learn more about the extent of damage from today’s tremor, here are some good places to start: