
Gay Mexican Beer. No, we're serious.

Mexico’s just having a red-letter week, huh?

According to Google, Mexican beer manufacturer Minerva has created a beer marketed specifically to the homosexual market, which they feel has been underserved by their industry. Finally, gay bar clientele will have something to drink instead of just sitting around sober, staring at walls. Dario Rodriguez Wyler, commercial director of Bodega 12, said:

“Salimos al mercado con gran respeto, con la idea de ofrecer un producto dirigido hacia la comunidad lésbico-gay, que ha estado desatendida pero que es importante y muy exigente.”

The beers are called Salamandra and Purple Hand. Minerva’s first release will be a honey-flavored ale, followed soon by a strawberry-flavored product. Get it? Honey and strawberries are gay. How progressive. Not yet announced are plans for other gay-friendly flavors, like rainbows, Cher, and penis.

The manufacturer has received requests from other countries, including the US, for their product. Soon you, too, can watch as your macho friends avoid this product like the plague and make fun of you for liking it. ‘Cause let’s be honest: strawberry beer sounds awesome, right guys?
