
Microdancing a la Hairspray

Los Babasónicos are about to premiere the video for their second single, the disco-licious “Microdancing.” The song, from their last album, Pijamas, includes guitar player (and Dárgelos younger bro) Diego Uma in vocals and of course, dancing.

According to the band’s MySpace page, the video was filmed in the Villa Crespo neighborhood of Buenos Aires and was directed by Agustín Alberdi and Luigi Ghidotti. The setting: a home electronics store, with Argentinean camp actress Silvia Peyrou as a customer, and from what we can see, Diego and Dárgelos sport some eeeenteresting hairdos. Diego looks like Zac Efron in the Hairspray movie.

We were not too familiar with Silvia Peyrou, but she looks bad ass, so we asked our own Argentinean camp expert Juan Data, and this is what he had to say about her:

“She was a bizarre c-class diva from 80’s cheap movies, known for doing quite many nude scenes. Not too familiar with her actually, haven’t seen any of her movies, they were pretty bad. I guess she must have some sort of cult following for some. The only connection with Babasónicos I can think of, which makes it even more bizarre, is that she used to appear in many movies with Rolo Puente, singer/actor father of Babasónicos guitar player [Mariano Roger]. Rolo was always the player ladies man and she was probably one of the sluts around him… Now I remember seeing them together in the totally forgettable titty-comedy Enfermero De Día, Camarero De Noche .”

Wow, that movie sounds amazing. Unfortunately, our YouTube search didn’t yield anything.

Below, live footage of “Microdancing”  with Diego Uma and Diego Tuñón manipulating some machines and doing robot dancing, from Babasónicos’ concert at Luna Park earlier this year.

Photos from Babasónicos show at Elbo Room in our Photo Gallery.