
MTV's Washington Heights: Episode 5 Recap

Greetings, fellow Washington Heights enthusiast!

Were you glued to your “Champagne Room” seats for this episode of Washington Heights? I know I was… with my singles! But more on the “Champagne Room” thing a little later.


On Episode 5 of Washington Heights, we see Audubon’s pitfalls of being a struggling artist (aka pulling his own weight while still living at his mom’s crib) – and although his goals are on track, according to mama Audubon, bills don’t come cheap! What’s his solution? He hires Danny – a friend from around the way, to be his manager. Sidenote: Danny must also moonlight as a Dwayne Wayne look-a-like with 80s themed flip-up sunglasses to match, but I digress.

Danny’s first attempt at booking a gig goes rather stormy – let’s just say, all that was missing were the Weather Girls and a few good men – aka a couple of Benjamin Franklins. 😉


Not one episode has gone by where we viewers haven’t seen Mr. Rico on top of his fitness game – and this point, I’m sure everyone is thinking: why doesn’t he just become a trainer already? It pays the bills bro, just saying. During this small clip, he finally reveals to the world what he’s working with – and I can honestly say, the eye candy does not disappoint. When Ludwin asks Rico: “When are you gonna pick up a skateboard, bro?” At to which he answers: “I’m too pretty to be on a [skate] board?” – leaving us ladies and some fellas to collectively agree, Yes… YES HE IS! *blushin;*


Everyone seems to be having issues with the parental units, but Reyna is in the middle of a typhoon of pure family drama. For her sister’s birthday bash, everyone heads to La Marina (which is Uptown’s version of St. Tropez) – everyone shows up, except Reyna’s boyfriend. Now, I know to most this isn’t a big deal, but in most Latin cultures it’s a big sign of disrespect to not show up for special occasions such as this. Family drama later ensues at Reyna’s house with hands in faces, slamming doors, and smack talk worthy of both the WWE and Televisa’s Lucha Libre combined.


Due to all the drama, Reyna temporarily moves out of mommy’s house and moves in with the boyfriend – but in the midst of a budding singing career, will she get lost in the sea of love? hmm… that remains to be seen.


Ludwin is still weathering the storm between his grieving mother and younger brother, now facing fours years in prison – but somehow, homie still has time for the ladies. And although he looks like Mr. Rogers, he definitely has his tigueraso game on point!

Frankie has managed not to rock the boat with Ludwin too much. It’s been smooth sailing between both parties – but fellas, a word to the wise: once a girl starts buying things for you, she’s hook, line & sinker. She is no longer seeing you as “just a friend” – and no, this last comment was not approved by Biz Markie.

Now, next week’s episode looks promising with more tug and pull between our revered couple – but will Frankie catch wind of Ludwin’s commitment phobic ways and just jump ship? Will Reyna’s budding musical career become a juggling act with her new live-in situation? Will Rico become the next Billy Blanks? (if you don’t catch the reference, google it.) And what the hell happened to Fred?

Stay tuned…

Check out earlier recaps here:

Episode 4

Episodes 1 & 2