
MTV's Washington Heights: Episode 10 Recap

Buen dia mi Washington Heights peeps! Ya vieron that huge longaniza de “puro teatro” last night? Last night’s episode of “Washington Heights” was a hearty gumbo of spice and drama… and all for yo’ mama!

And now for the deets, along with Tuitel Nation’s commentary:


For episode 10 of “Washington Heights” we viewers finally had the chance to see some cutie canoodling time between Ludwin and Frankie. Frankie (as always)playing the good girl role, offers to make Ludwin some dinner – but where does Ludwin take our sweet little strawberry shortcake Frankie, you ask? Bravo, uptown’s local supermarket. Now, I love seeing my local establishments get some air time but can’t this boy cough up some money and just take this girl out on a proper date? (i.e. a nice restaurant that doesn’t involve the dollar menu) Big Washington Heights playa-playa fail.


Not only is Ms. Frankie evoking Pat Benatar with her asymmetrical bob, but she’s channeling the drama as well. After reaching some sort of understanding with Ludwin about their quasi-relationship, she now has to deal with the ex! That’s right kiddies, the Latina Daria aka Diana is back! She’s livid that Ludwin has moved on so quickly – and with Frankie, a chick que ella ni quiere ver ni pintura! A twitter war between both girls ensues – and wouldn’t you know, this is all happening just before Ludwin’s first art show exhibition – el pobrecito.

Long story short, Frankie (my little spitfire) proves she’s not so nice and puts bipolar Diana in her place! Confirming that she is NOT THE ONE! YOU. GO. GURRRL!

PS: I’m so loving her “I’M NOT THE ONE” statement – definitely drag queen worthy.


Speaking of retro… now, this is just an observation, but the scene with Audubon and his mama in the kitchen talking about Ludwin’s upcoming art show was a reality check too precious for words. Seeing items typically found in tool sheds/garages (like a big ol’ ladder in the middle of your kitchen) just proves you really are living in “The Heights.” ‘Cause Lord knows, you never know when you have to play carpenter or just need to jet!

PS: Can I just ask, why is Audubon’s mom (who seems like a real sweetheart) is still doing her son’s laundry? Dude, you are a grown man and you still can’t figure out the washing machine? You better take your skippy behind to the local laundromat and ask somebody!


Here’s a whole new episode where we see Danny “All Thumbs” at it AGAIN! [insert “The Benny Hill Show” intro theme here] Danny books another show for Audubon with the possibility of booking a future tour – the only thing their invited guest (a bigwig touring manager) requested was to be sent more material. What does Danny do? Sends this man ZIP, ZERO, NADA! Danny boy, just because you can manage to get your skippy behind to the local Domino’s pizza parlor, does NOT mean that you can manage an artist! Here we have another missed opportunity for Audubon’s career, and at this point, you really need to give Danny the big ol’ boot!


Ah, my “Rico Suave” is back – and with a vengeance! He’s finally booking more auditions – I guess playing it half-assed and being super pretty can actually pan out for some folks? Truly, no shade intended. But, what is up with this T-shirt he’s now sporting? I really hope for his sake it’s not foreshadowing how many times he actually gets booked. :/


Yup, our baby girl Arlene is back! And on another date with Audubon, can you believe? She really must like you, bro! Homie, don’t blow it this time, and please for the love Heyzeus, don’t make her pay for that dollar and change coffee – I’m just saying.


For this episode, we see that Jimmy has had a very traumatic and tumultuous childhood (having had both parents incarcerated at different points in his life) and therefore explaining his often erratic bouts of rage. In an effort to turn the page, he tries to make amends with his estranged mother and father. He then realizes that his passion to become a professional baseball player must come first, and then he does the unexpected – he takes the leap of faith and moves out of Washington Heights. We fellow Washington Heights folk commend Jimmy for his brave efforts and wish him all the best – and in the words of Yoda, “May the Force be with you,” …homie.

So, my fellow homies and homettes., are we ready to see the season finale of “Washington Heights”? I know I’m on the edge of my seat, are you?

If by chance next Thursday night you find yourself in the downtown Manhattan area, make sure to head on over to “The Stand” where the Washington Heights cast and crew will be hosting the season finale. “The Stand” is located between 19th & 20th Street, NYC. For more info, check out the flyer below.

Stay fresh y hasta la próxima…