YG and Nipsey Hussle’s “Fuck Donald Trump” Music Video Shut Down By Police, Confused for Protest

Lead Photo: YG

On Sunday, YG turned to Instagram to ask fans to show up to Melrose and Fairfax in West Hollywood for his and Nipsey Hussle’s “FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)” video. As a result, something like 100 people showed up, but police shut it down when they confused the impromptu music video meet up for a real Trump protest, according to TMZ.

In recent months, police have removed protesters from Trump rallies, sometimes violently. In this case, police responded similarly, according to eyewitness accounts. “First, they pulled out tasers, then pistols, then SHOTGUNS,” said Mosaicc. “Not sure any of that was necessary… We was all in a peaceful FUCK DONALD TRUMP mood. No rioting, no fighting, we were together. I guess expressing political views with togetherness requires police to pull out shotguns.”

Though, to be fair, some of the video shoot got a little out of hand.

Either way, YG and Nipsey Hussle grabbed enough footage, and it didn’t stop them from getting back out there.