Calling all NYC Artists! The Department of Transportation, along with New York Cares, is accepting submissions for mural ideas to liven up those depressing concrete barriers. If chosen, all project materials are provided and paid for, with up $2,500 contributed towards project costs, and it’s up to you to gather friends, family or fellow artists to help you translate your vision onto the otherwise cold slabs. For 11 months, your mural will be up on display, on a gallery of the streets, being ooh’d and aah’d over by cyclists, passengers and pedestrians until the new generation of murals come to pass. Deadline for applications is September 6th, 2013 so check out the application HERE.
Beautification has already begun all around the five boroughs, my favorite ones brightening up my Rockaway Beach sidewalk stroll (R.I.P. Whilemina the Whale).