
Oh Comadre Candles Make VapoRub-Like Candles & We Love to See It

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres
Art by Stephany Torres
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Tapping into your childhood and nostalgic vibes has proven time and time again to be a successful business. Oh Comadre Candles is another example of how being true to your roots and leaning into your culture and heritage can lead to something magical.

The Latina-owned business, started by Marcella Gomez, has grown significantly since she started making candles in 2014 as a hobby. The mother, nurse, and cancer survivor started the company to capture and share the scents of her childhood, and of the childhoods of so many Latine people.

“Oh Comadre Candles celebrate life through a Latina’s eye,” Gomez told NBC4. “The candles are intended to evoke emotion, comfort, memory, or even a laugh.”

Originally, Gomez relied on online sales of her candles that evoked memories of her youth’s Saturday morning cleanings with abuela or sugar snacks. Yet, the popularity of her candles grew so much that Oh Comadre Candles officially has a storefront in Downey, California.

At first, Gomez admits that candle-making started as a hobby to help her relax and unwind after work. Two years after starting her hobby, Gomez got her first online order. It came on her birthday and she admits to NBC4 that she thought it was a joke.

“I have nothing but gratitude for anyone taking the time to walk through our door.  It’s an awesome feeling that any small business can relate,” Gomez tolod NBC4. “I couldn’t believe the amount of support the shop received. I still can’t believe it. Someone, please pinch me.”

Way to go, Marcella! We love to see our culture and people thrive in this world and Oh Comadre Candles is a great example of just that.