
U.S. Dates Set for Oliver Stone's "South of the Border"

Oliver Stone’s much-talked-about shock-doc (which portrays him as an Hugo Chávez lover) will finally make its mark in North America. South of the Border will premiere in New York on June 25th and feature a post-pic Q&A with the incendiary director.

Controversy has surrounded the movie since Stone announced production back in 2008, after appearing all buddy-buddy in the media with the Venezuelan president. The docu chronicles Stone’s 2009 road trip around five countries in Latin America to explore the leftist movement in each area. His main goal was to survey what he perceived to be misperceptions of Chávez and other South American leaders. What he got was a whole lot of criticism. But don’t you always want a side dish of skepticism and historical inaccuracy with any Stone film? Alexander, anyone?

We haven’t seen the pic in question yet, but we’re looking forward to it. See below for other city screening dates.

6/25 – New York City

Angelika Film Center

*Q&A on Friday (25th) after prime show w/ Oliver Stone

7/2 – Los Angeles

Laemmle’s Monica 4-Plex

*Q&A on Friday (2nd) after prime show w/ Oliver Stone

7/2 – Pasadena

Laemmle’s Playhouse 7

*Q&As not yet set

7/9 – Chicago

ShowPlace ICON Roosevelt Collection

7/16 – San Francisco

Sundance Kabuki Cinema

*Q&A on Friday (16th) after prime show

7/16 – Berkeley

Rialto Cinemas Elmwood

7/23 – Dallas

AMC Grand 24

7/23 – Houston

AMC Studio 30

7/30 – Minneapolis

ShowPlace ICON at The West End

7/30 – Seattle

Regal Meridian 16