
Only In Pilsen

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Only in Pilsen does getting your flat changed come with an art show. Thanks to someone slashing my front tire at work today, I took a trip to Angel’s Tire Shop and felt transported inside an installation at the National Museum of Mexican Art (only a couple blocks down from the shop). I knew there was a bright yellow tire shop a couple blocks from my house  but never knew how intricate and fascinating the store front really is. The family-owned tire shop on 2157 W. 18th street (in between Damen and Western) also comes with a matching old school VW  beetle  parked on the side and plenty of  “tire shop” graffiti in the back.  I love living in a place where art is present at every corner  to distract us from all the lows in life and to remind us it doesn’t matter who you are, you can rock the brightest colors on the block.