
Ozomatli TEDxSF After Party Scheduled At Red Devil Lounge

Quintessential Chicano rockers Ozomatli have been on the campaign trail, most recently gracing the University of Southern California last week with an appearance at the Barack Obama rally. Today we got word the East LA group will be headlining a very special after party at San Francisco’s Red Devil Lounge on November 16. The party will immediately follow TEDxSF‘s lecture on “The Edge of What We Know, an evening of fresh talks exploring the universe, the planet , society and the human spirit”, which will likely leave you dazed and ready for some cumbia.

TEDxSF was created by TED Talks loving Bay-area leaders and his been a communical, intellectually thriving experience since its inception. Of course, balancing of mental stimulation is probably the idea behind Ozomatli blaring their horns after covering such a dense topic. Whatever the case, we’re ecstatic.

Check out the Obama rally coverage via LA Forward below.