
Preguntas incómodas w/ Ex-Presidente Vicente Fox

Journalist Ruben Luengas made Mexican ex-President Vicente Fox more than a tad bit uncomfortable the other day when interviewing him about his new book Revolution of Hope for the show "En Contexto" on Telemundo.  Luengas asked some great direct questions, making Fox particularly queasy when he brought up the subject of a recent scandal involving Fox’s wife’s properties….  Fox ends up calling Luengas "estúpido" and "vulgar"!!!! 

Check it out here in Luengas’ recap for Telemundo.

(Big thanks to the Issel for posting these videos and to Oscar for bringing the interview to our attention!!!  As Issel wrote:  "El ex presidente de México, Vicente Fox pierde el control al encontrarse con Ruben Luengas, un periodista que realmente cumple su misión (en TeleMundo, aunque usted no lo crea), hacer preguntas difíciles y tratar de informarnos en lugar de ser complaciente y presentar al invitado como si fuese concurso de popularidad.")