President Obama on the Dream Act

Today, President Obama gave a speech in favor of the Dream Act, the bill that would grant citizenship to children of immigrants who came here illegally. He announced that in the next couple of months, “young people who for all intents and purposes are American” will not be hounded and deported by the Department of Homeland Security.

Striking a calm, confident, and cautiously optimistic note, Obama said that “there is no reason” that the Dream Act should not pass, and that he believes that Americans will come around. Underscoring this resolve, Obama responded firmly to someone who who interrupted him. “I hope that next time you will let me finish my statement.” Yes, Mr. Reporter, you have just been slammed down by the POTUS.

While we want to believe, as the President does, in the current political environment, this Congress has been the epitome of dysfunction, and voters across the states have been rather friendly towards anti-immigration bills–most notably in Arizona. At least today, all those affected by the Dream Act can concretely avoid deportation and dream on.

Are you, or somebody you know, affected by this change in policy or by the Dream Act? Tell us what you think of the President’s speech!

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