
The Threats of Protesting While Undocumented + Other Ways to Help

Lead Photo: Protesters raise clenched fists during a Black Lives Matter protest outside the Houses of Parliament on June 3, 2020 in London, United Kingdom. Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Protesters raise clenched fists during a Black Lives Matter protest outside the Houses of Parliament on June 3, 2020 in London, United Kingdom. Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The death of George Floyd, the innocent black man killed by police in Minneapolis, has sparked protests across the country. It’s become pertinent for Latinos, particularly white-passing members of the community, to show their solidarity and find ways to support the fight against racism, injustice, and police brutality. But according to The Hill, participating in demonstrations has become a fraught decision for Dreamers especially, and many of them are grappling with joining public rallies out of fear of arrests and eventually deportation.

When an undocumented individual gets arrested at a rally, they could lose their status and work permit and eventually even get deported, according to The Hill. Maxima Guerrero’s detention story, which ended in her prompt release thanks, in part, to protesters who demanded so, is one of many examples of the real dangers.

The risk grew when Customs and Border Protection announced that they will be supporting federal, state and local law enforcement agencies “confronting the lawless actions of rioters.”

A spokeswoman at CBP tried to say it was about “preservation of life and safety,” and not “about carrying out CBP’s immigration enforcement mission,” but the threat is there.

That threat carries real implications in undocumented and mixed-status households. “They have to look out for the entire household. They don’t want to bring trouble home,” Rep. Jesús García (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said.

Many are still choosing to show up. But if you’re concerned, there are other ways to get involved. We’ve highlighted ways to get involved, including donating to organizations such as the Minnesota Freedom Fund. A list of local bailout organizations is also available here. Another easy way to help is to reach out to organizers and ask, point-blank, what they might need.

Well And Good suggests collecting supplies for protesters, including masks, sunblock, snacks, water, goggles, hand towels, first aid kits, gloves, hand sanitizers, as well as providing transportation, offering childcare to those on the ground who need it, and volunteering to be someone’s emergency contact, which means you’d notify their loved ones in the event of an arrest and help organize bail funds.

Additionally, it’s crucial right now to educate yourself and those around you about police bias and anti-blackness ingrained into Latin American cultures. Ava DuVernay’s organization ARRAYNow recently put together a study guide and list of reading materials, available here.