
You Can Now Ride a City Bus With Selena’s Face On It In Corpus Christi

Lead Photo: Courtney Sacco/Caller-Times

This time of year, we can’t help getting nostalgic about Selena. With the anniversary of her death, birthday, and now Fiesta de la Flor within a few weeks of each other, it’s only natural for her fans to honor La Reina. This week, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority unveiled two buses with classic Selena images featured on them – giving us another reason to hit up the city.

“Every time Selena would do an interview she would always say she was from Corpus Christi,” Suzette Quintanilla Arriaga told theCorpus Christi Caller Times. “She was very proud of her city. To have her image rolling around the city is going to be amazing.” Suzette helped Iconic Sign Group of Corpus Christi design the bus wraps.

The buses aren’t tied to a specific route, meaning that anyone has a chance to end up on the bus. On top of the two buses traveling through Corpus Christi, there are also 15 bus benches along Weber Road. And with that, we just found everyone’s favorite activity when they visit Corpus Christi for 2016’s Fiesta de la Flor.

Check out what Suzette had to say above, and what Chris Perez said below:

[H/T The Flama]