
Mr. Quintanilla Wants to Clarify that the Selena “Hologram” Won’t Be a Hologram

Abraham Quintanilla wants to set the record straight about the forthcoming Selena “hologram,” which made waves after it was announced on Selena’s Facebook fan page the first week of April. Apparently, the Selena recreation will not, in fact, be a hologram, as Quintanilla emphatically stated multiple times during a press conference given by Selena’s family on day 2 of Fiesta de la Flor. He explained that the project actually represents a brand new technology pioneered by Acrovert LLC, which will “clone” her voice and do some other crazy stuff. What crazy stuff exactly? Mr. Q couldn’t really explain all the technical details, and assured us that even if he could, none of us would understand anyway because it’s so next level.

He’s probably right. According to a Selena The One media representative named Abelardo Rodriguez, “A hologram is an image projection of something recorded. An Acrovirt is a voice, a body and predictive mind that will allow the artist to sing her old songs and new songs.” UM. A predictive mind?! Not going to lie, this is starting to sound a little too 2001: A Space Odyssey for me.

Quintanilla went on to explain that Acrovirt has already secured $15 million in private investment to fund this project, which we assume is in addition to the $500,000 they’re trying to raise from the indiegogo campaign that just launched Thursday. To date, the campaign has raised just $5,228, but with 31 days to go, anything could happen. All the fans I’ve spoken with at Fiesta de la Flor so far seem very pro-“Acrovirt.”

It’s unclear whether the success of the apparition – which, in the absence of the word “hologram” I’ll just call an “astral projection futuregram clone resurrection” – hinges on the campaign meeting its fundraising goal.