
Shakira Does Some Good (For a Change)

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Shakira knows a thing or two about karma. She was so concerned about the heavy cosmic payback she had coming her way for releasing that gargantuan pile of utter fail that was her last album that she decided to counterbalance the bad with some good. She resolved to make up for wounding the ears and brains of so many innocent radio, YouTube and iTunes users by feeding the ears and brains of the many children in need throughout the world.

No, really (I was half joking up there). La Shaki has been named an ambassador for 1GOAL, an organization that promotes quality education for all, regardless of their income. The Colombian songstress is no stranger to humanitarian work, as she created the Pies Descalzos Foundation; on top of that, she’s been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Good for you, Shaki. I’m glad you’re using your celebrity to raise awareness for a noble cause. Now, if only you could do something about that She Wolf album…