
Si Se Puede Means Yes We Can

We can’t deny that César Chávez’s now famous rally cry influenced President-elect Obama’s, but did the late United Farmer Workers leader get the credit for his words that he deserves?

Obama called for a national holiday honoring the late Mexican-American activist this past March 31, saying “As farmworkers and laborers across America continue to struggle for fair treatment and fair wages, we find strength in what César Chávez accomplished so many years ago. We should honor him for what he’s taught us about making America a stronger, more just, and more prosperous nation. That’s why I support the call to make César Chávez’s birthday a national holiday. It’s time to recognize the contributions of this American icon to the ongoing efforts to perfect our union.”

But does anyone know if he ever credited Chávez for the words that united a country? There’s no doubt in our minds that Obama is going to revolutionize politics in this country for the better, but we just find it strange that he hasn’t given credit where credit is deserved. Or has he?