
Meet C.R. Stecyk III and Felipe Lima

No film captures the roots of skating quite like Dogtown and Z-Boys, the 2001 documentary directed by Stacy Peralta (an original Z-Boy) that tells the story of a group of teenage surfers/skaters and their influence on skateboarding culture. Using a mix of actual footage from the ’70s shot by C. R. Stecyk, III, writer/photographer for SkateBoarder magazine (originally Surfer magazine), and recent interviews, Dogtown and Z-Boys follows the evolution of skateboarding from its ’70s heyday, to its decline during the ’80s, and its eventual (and highly lucrative) return in the ’90s.

Now you can catch Dogtown writer and “Art in the Streets” exhibiting artist, C. R. Stecyk, III, who co-founded the popular Jeff Ho Surfboards and Zephyr Productions surf shop in Venice, CA aka Dogtown, along with award-winning graphic designer/art director, Felipe Lima, at Levi’s next Meet the Artist Film Workshop event. Lima, who was born in São Paulo, Brazil and lives in San Francisco, has designed websites for VW, Pepsi, Audi, and Hyundai. He and Stecyk have collaborated in the past, so be ready to get your creative juices flowing. Find out what inspired Stecyc, who is known for his iconic “Pig and Crossbones” graffiti tag, to start documenting the Zephyr skate team and Dogtown skateboard culture. His stories about the notorious Z-Boys from Dogtown were, in essence, his creation, and although the accuracy was under debate by some of the top skaters of that time there’s no denying he helped them rise to fame.


And so you don’t miss any of the Levi’s Film Workshop, here’s the lineup of upcoming events:

6/4/11 A/V Sessions: Grant Davis– at 7:00 pm

6/4/11 Levi’s Presents: Gleaming the Cube– at 10:00 pm

6/4/11 The Aberrican Workshop: The Art of Editing Skate Videos with Colin Kennedy of the Berrics – at 11:00 am


6/5/11 Echo Park Film Center: Home Media Mashup – at 11:00 am

6/5/11 – Meet the Artists: C.R. Stecyk III + Felipe Lima – at 3:00 pm

6/7/11 – Screening: Premiere of the Aberrican Originals – at 7:00 pm

6/9/11 – Pro Night: 3D Basics with Center for STEREO3D@USC– at 6:00 pm

The Levi’s Film Workshop will be around from April 17 to August 8. For more information on the upcoming dates, check out the Film Workshop’s site.