State of the Art: Your Weekly Guide to NYC's Latino Art Openings

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State of The Art is Remezcla’s weekly guide to Latin art openings in your city each week. Mingle with art admirers, collectors and casual passersby to check out these new works. And don’t forget to grab a free glass of wine…or three.

Aperture Book Launch of Mexican Portraits by Pablo Ortiz Monasterio

May 7

‘Mexican Portraits’, a book compiling over 350 portraits of historic, Mexican@s is being celebrated in a book launch at Aperture on Tuesday. The photographs include work from over 80 anonymous and some famous photographers like Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Augustin Casasola, and Graciela Iturbide. Zapatistas the peasant revolutionaries, buxom blonde movie stars, luchadores in suits, and members of the Mexican bourgeoise sipping lemonade in their chaise lounges, stare out from the pages to create a flavorful curation of Mexican identity. The book seeks to define a cosmopolitan image that´s been characterized all too stereotypically in U.S. media.The event at 7pm will include a book signing and talk by the editor Pablo Ortiz Monasterio who will speak about the book´s function as a story of Mexico´s history and dynamic identity.

Aperture Gallery and Bookstore
547 West 27th Street
New York, NY

Luis Roldán: Mechanical Ventilations. Interactions with Willys de Castro
May 9 2013 – June 15 2013

A new show opens Thursday May 9th at the Latin Americanist gallery Henrique Faria. The work of Luis Roldan, a contemporary artist who works in both Bogota, Colombia and New York, is exhibiting work alongside Brazilian artist Willys de Castro. Castro´s pieces are from the late 1950s. Roldan´s work is not medium specific and takes shape in sculpture, works on paper, and varied installations. Lint balls and hair are part of the piece ´Wash and Wear´(2013.) Another piece seems to reference the periodic table. The exhibit will run until June 15th but the wine will only be Thursday night!

Henrique Faria Fine Art
35 East 67th St. 4th Floor
New York, New York 10065

Keith Haring´s Crack is Wack

If you´re in the mood to check out some legitimate and living New York art history, visit Keith Haring´s two-sided mural ´Crack is Wack´on Harlem River Drive from East 131st Street to West 145th Street in Harlem. Keith Haring primarily worked as a street and graffiti artist creating murals with a social critique appeal. He was an advocate for the acknowledgement of issues like the AIDS crisis and crack epidemics of the 80s, and his life´s work has influenced every crevice of the politically relevant art world since the 1980s. Haring also left his mark on the fashion and design worlds, creating a circuitous cartoon-like aesthetic that is still seen in popular designs today. The mural was created by Haring without permission from the city but is now conserved as part of New York´s city-wide embrace of public art.

Harlem River Drive from East 131st Street to West 145th Street /
West 155th Street to Dyckman Street
New York, NY 10032