Some people might pick on CNN for always featuring graphics on their programs that call attention to “Breaking News,” but one journalist from the conservative Washington Free Beacon took it to the next level when he reported on something Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) did and labeled it “Breaking Exclusive.”
Stop the presses! So, what, pray tell, did Ocasio-Cortez do to attract so much attention from Beacon executive editor Brent Scher? Well, according to Scher and “multiple sources,” she “illegally” parked her car “in front of the Whole Foods connected to her luxury apartment building.” But not just any car–a Tesla! Gasp!
We’re guessing the terms “AOC,” “Tesla,” “illegally,” “Whole Foods” and “luxury apartment,” when placed in one single sentence and in that order, must trigger some sort of internal, conservative rage pitted at AOC’s understanding of the importance in reducing her carbon footprint and, of course, having access to the fine selection of kale and heirloom tomatoes at the organic supermarket.
Deservingly so, Twitter users rained down on Scher’s “Breaking Exclusive” story, which came with photos of the white car apparently owned by the lawbreaking AOC. Many scoffed at the fact that the Beacon was posting such nonsense news when members of the Republican Party are accused of doing a lot more than just illegally parking a Tesla.
Some wondered how Republicans would react when they found out that the New York Attorney General recently announced a criminal investigation into the Trump Organization.
Others just wanted to take a few jabs at the Beacon and have a little fun.
Don’t worry about Scher and the Beacon. We’re sure they won’t take this loss hard and be back on their feet in no time reporting on a series of jaw-dropping Nancy Pelosi jaywalking crimes (with video footage).