
The Trump Supporter Who Warned Us of “Taco Trucks On Every Corner” Also Called Latinos “Primitive”

Two weeks ago, Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutiérrez disparaged the latino community while on MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes. “My culture is a very dominant culture,” he said. “It is imposing and it’s causing problems. If you don’t do something about it, you’re going to have taco trucks on every corner.” While his comments set off an avalanche of jokes about how he’d just described utopia, the comments clearly indicate that he doesn’t think highly of Latinos. And in an interview on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, he showed that this hostility is not just a one-time thing.

“As Hispanics, we are a primitive and underdeveloped culture,” he said. “We’ll take whatever we can take if you let us.” The interviewer asks him if people should feel afraid of Mexicans, and Gutiérrez responds, “Yes, you should feel very frightened.” While he’s busy pointing the fingers at others, Gutiérrez, a former mortgage broker, failed to discuss his own shady history. Luckily, Full Frontal dives into his opportunist past. After the six-minute segment, you might draw the conclusion that Gutiérrez must think all Latinos are dishonest because he’s a con man.

Noah Zinner, a lawyer who represented a client that accused Gutiérrez of predatory practices, said Marco took advantage of vulnerable people. “In our experience with him, Marco Gutiérrez targeted vulnerable people, and he unlawfully charged them for bogus mortgage help, took money that didn’t belong to him, and then bullied and filed bogus lawsuits when people complained.” California suspended Marco’s license several times, until he eventually lost it. Only he says that he surrendered his real estate license. He presented himself as a mortgage broker at a Latinos for Trump meeting – something that California law says is illegal.

Whether he realizes it or not, the segment ridicules him. But – much like Donald Trump – he probably wouldn’t care either way. Check out the video above.

[H/T Vox]