Deep in the rat-infested caverns underneath New York City’s earth lives a secret most urban art aficionados know nothing about. Housed on the walls of abandoned subway lines are pieces of art created by 103 artists from around the world, including Know Hope, Jeff Soto and Faile. The hidden exhibition — walls with eye-snagging stencils and paintings that will likely never be seen by roving museum-goers, curators or art dealers — makes street art sacred again by distancing the artwork from the normal parameters it usually lives within.
Know as The Underbelly Project, the exhibition was hatched by artists PAC and Workhorse in what they call “an eternal show without a crowd.” The New York Times covered the exhibition (which closed the day it opened) and the article has swiftly sent us into a frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy of “we want to see it!” Although closed to you and me, The Underbelly Project has been well documented, with images below. Also, Luna Park has some fascinated images.