There are some videos that attract the eye by being flashy, while others grasp one’s attention in its subtlety. Bajofondo’s video for its second single, “Lluvia,” falls into the latter camp.
The video, which premiered on Mun2 today, begins in black and white and features each band member under his/her own spotlight, much like a confessional soliloquy. The rain in the song title takes on a metaphorical role as a cleansing ritual that washes the streets of the big city and the fears and anxieties of its citizens with it.
“It invites us to dance and to truly celebrate the fact that we are alive,” explains Bajofondo founder Gustavo Santaolalla. “We can overcome the boredom and bitterness that a big city can sometimes bring to our souls.”
[insert-video youtube=Gw7ZNifhqmo]
Download Bajofondo’s Presente below: