Millions of voters are headed to the polls as we type this, bidding to cast their ballot in midterm elections heated from left to right. If you’re still unsure about your states measures, initiatives, candidates…then you better start reading!
Don’t Be A Cabron has a very handy voter guide for 12 states, including info on contested battles in Nevada, Arizona and California. If you’re wondering about who to vote for in Nevada’s Senate battle, Sharron Angle or Harry Reid, then just remember Mrs. Angle believes Hispanic-looking guys are all night-walking, sneaky criminals who have a thing for trolling around fences.
Voto Latino also has a surplus of information, including a Voter Tool Kit, which should prove beneficial for the procrastinating voter. If you’re still struggling to get out of bed to vote, then maybe Molotov‘s “Voto Latino” will get you pumped. Happy casting!