
Womp, Womp: Frida Kahlo’s Family Says There Are No Recordings of Her Voice

Lead Photo: Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954). Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954). Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images
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A couple of weeks ago, the internet was ablaze when Fonoteca Nacional unearthed 1950s audio that it attributed to Frida Kahlo. Though the institution said it’d still have to do research into whether it was actually her voice, the audio quickly circulated around the internet, with some publications (including us) stating that this might be the only recording in existence of Kahlo’s voice. But from the beginning there was doubt. Now, Frida’s family has spoken out and said that no recording of the famed Mexican artist exists.

“To the knowledge of the Kahlo family, there are no voice recordings of Frida’s voice,” the family said on the Frida Kahlo Twitter account. “Arturo Estrada Hernández, one of the Fridos, already stated that this isn’t Frida’s voice.”

Fonoteca Nacional’s findings were further disproved when Mexican actress Amparo Garrido stated that she believes it’s her voice heard in the recording. She’s “almost certain I recorded this,” according to The New York Times.

While it seems, most of us will never know what Frida Kahlo sounds like, her family left us with a little gift. In a follow-up tweet, Mara Romeo Kahlo shared images of the text written by Frida. Read it below.