Words of the Week: Borracho/Hungover

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We can’t help it; we’re already counting down till Happy Hour. Last week’s International Beer Day was nice, but it’s over and we’re looking for the next great excuse for unrestrained debauchery. In the meantime, we’ve compiled all the funny words we have in Latin America for drunk and hungover – just so we’ll all be prepared to point and yell “drunk” in any country from México to Bolivia.

The list goes far beyond the conventional “borracho” and “resacado,” and in fact is so long it’s starting to become worrisome. What does it say about us that, just like the eskimos have countless words for snow, we have an equally extensive number of words describing excessive alcohol consumption?

Oh well, we don’t have the answer either.


“Ando pedo, guey.”

Famous for their unending jerga, Mexicans again impress us with the improbable phrases they use to capture that classic moment when you’re so gone you shouldn’t have to feel guilty for what you can’t remember.

In addition to “pedo,” Mexicans say any variation of “hasta la madre,” “hasta las manitas,” “hasta atrás.” Estar “jarra” is reputedly popular in central México, while anglosajismos take over nearer to the border and “pisteado” is preferred.

When they wake up with vicious headaches the next day, Mexicanos are “crudos.” Though, if they’re too lazy to separate being drunk from being hungover they will also be “credo” (pedo+crudo).


As you move down the continent and into the Andes where in the bitter cold all you want to do is drink, you’re likely to hear the term “chispas” used to refer to someone who’s tipsy and “torcido,” as in twisted, for someone who’s, well, no longer in this dimension. That is of course, if they’re polite and trying to avoid the more vulgar “verga;” but when you’re that drunk, who cares?


“Estoy borrachazo, mañas?” yes, we comprendemos, and we’re also amused by Perú trying to hiperbolize the universal Spanish term for drunk. If slurring too much to pronounce all four syllables, Peruvians resort to the much shorter, three syllable “cagado.”


In Venezuela, the night  starts of when you and your friends “se caen a palos” (a palo obviously referring to a self-destructive but highly enjoyable drink). A few “birras” in, you might start to feel “prendidos,” (tipsy) or, as it’s commonly abbreviated: “prendos.” As the night goes on, Venezuelans will  progressively move through “peo,” “rascado” (pronounced “rascao”), “curdo,” “en la lona,” and “en la quilla” until they are positively “en la mierda.”

The morning after, one might complain to a friend about being “enratonado” (again, pronounced “enratonao”). Though if a particular individual is all too familiar with this state he or she might refer to the “ratón” or “resaca” as “Mickey Mouse,” or “estar con el Micky;” a term of endearment, if you will.

Dominican Republic

This little Caribbean Island (or rather, portion of an island) certainly knows how to party. Consequently, we would expect them to have a whole array of words to describe the (un)intended consequences of alcohol. As far as we know, after Dominicans “se dan un suape,” they are left horribly “doblados” (or, as you predicted, “doblao”).

Puerto Rico

You didn’t think we were going to leave out the boricuas, did you? Whether you’re looking to get “bien loco” tonight or just a little “pica’o,” your Puerto Rican friends will no doubt be all too happy to help you tener una juma.

We could go on, but unfortunately we’re a little thirsty, y nos vamos a tomar una fría. Are there terms we missed? Let us know how you talk about your nights of debauchery (or days of debauchery, if that’s your thing) in your patria. Comment below!