In case you thought frat boys and the Japanese had a monopoly on YouTube craziness/silliness/stupidity, we here at Remezcla wanted to set the record straight. Latinos can be idiots on video, too—sí se puede! Here’s our roundup of what Latinos are up to on the web. Some videos are old, some are new, but one video will always be Luis Miguel. Just ’cause.
This week: The not-so Washington Heights girl, Pan con Queso post Super Bowl, one confused Miss Panama, and yes, of course, LuisMi.
I’m guessing they don’t have fortune cookies in Panama.
Not sick of this song after the Superbowl? Here. Have a parody.
We’re not sure why he’s driving a taxi and not freaking people out professionally with this impression.
We’d never gotten motion sickness from a music video before, but we have now. Sexy, Mexican motion sickness.