
Instagram to Follow: The Cyberpunk Graphics of Gustavo Torres, aka Kidmograph

Who: Gustavo Torrescommonly known as Kidmograph, is an art director, illustrator and graphic designer from Argentina. Inspired by Argentinean comics( specifically, El Eternauta,) and sci-fi aesthetics, Torres graduated from being a painter to digital art. Torres has been tapped by many  to create music videos and visuals, including Kanye West and Miley Cyrus, and notably, A-Trak, for whom he serves as art director. Torres shared with Instagram’s official music account, “I have all these old memories from my beginnings in the computer world, and the birth of the new generation of graphics…People feel really represented in that, because they have that kind of information hidden in their minds. That’s what I try to make. Something that evokes the nostalgia but also is fresh and contemporary at the same time.”

Why You Should Follow: His work is probably not like anything you are following out there, and it will definitely take you somewhere, whether it’s back to memories of your favorite ’80s video games or that weird acid trip that one time in Miami. He works often in the GIF medium, which is one of our culture’s big sources of communication, and let’s be real, it’ll be around for a long time in the near future.

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