
Best Interview Ever: Director Sebastian Silva, actors Michael Cera & Gaby Hoffman Talk About ‘Crystal Fairy’ in Bed

Michael Cera was walking around Manhattan one day and it started to rain. He decided to go see a movie he knew nothing about. After watching La Nana he made it a point to meet the film’s director, Sebastián Silva, and try to find a way to work with the talented Chilean filmmaker. Eventually, they collaborated on two films, both were shot in Chile. One of these movies, Crystal Fairy will be in select theaters and available On Demand on July 12, 2013.

In this hilarious, rambling interview Silva, Cera, and co-star Gaby Hoffman talk about how they met, shooting nude scenes, weird genitalia, and why Silva never wants to work with Kim Basinger — all while lying in bed together.

Crystal Fairy is directed by Sebastián Silva and stars his brothers Juan Andrés Silva, José Miguel Silva, and Agustín Silva along with Michael Cera and Gaby Hoffman.