It’s okay if you watch East Los High. You might already be 10 years out of high school, but it’s never too late to relive the Latino high school drama you never had. I mean, sure there was Degrassi, but even with a handful of token characters with last names like Torres, Moreno, and Santamaría, none of the actors were actually Latino. So big ups to Hulu for throwing their hat in the digital content game with the first straight up, unapologetically Latino-American teen drama this country has seen — and for picking up some well-deserved Emmy nominations along the way.
But now we’re almost a year out from Season 2’s dramatic finale, and even if we don’t admit it, many of us are dying to know what will become of the Bomb Squad, or how everything played out with Camila and Jocelyn’s frantic search for the missing students. Well, we a now have an official teaser that answers very few of those questions, but it should be enough to hold us over until the July 15th premiere of Season 3.
And this big news it that: The Bomb Squad is back! With boys! Camila will confront a dark secret from her past and risk losing her life for her one true love! Romance! Danger! But will it be enough to keep ratings high through the dreaded Season 3 slump that has so far rocked digital empires like House of Cards and OITNB? That’s up to you to decide, folks. Mark your calendars for July 15.
Season 3 of East Los High premieres Wednesday, July 15, 2015 only on Hulu.