
Guess Who Just Joined the Cast of Fast and Furious 7? He’s a Bachata Superstar

Twitter: @infoCinelandia

On Thursday night, Romeo Santos, of Aventura fame, played a sold-out concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. To the delight of his screaming fans, Vin Diesel came onstage to announce that the bachata crooner will make an appearance in the new Fast and Furious. (What number are they one now, 7? 8? 23? I dunno; I lost count.)

Latino fans of the franchise have always been an important part of its success. When the studio caught on that Latinos packed the theaters on opening night of the Fast and Furious sequels they started catering to the lucrative audience. Don Omar was cast in previous Furious films so I guess they decided to swap him out for a different Latino singer. Who knows if that sort of thing works. Does casting a Latino actor in a movie make you want to watch it?