
Isabela Merced Voices Young Latina Who Befriends Wild Horse in ‘Spirit Untamed’

A sequel to the 2002 Oscar-nominated animated film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit Untamed tells the story of Fortuna “Lucky” Prescott (Isabela Merced) a young, mixed-Latina girl who grew up without her mother, Milagro Navarro (Eiza González), a legendary charra.

A charra is a traditional woman rodeo entertainer who has trained her horse to perform different skills like spinning and making choreographed moves. Charras wear traditional Mexican dresses and sombreros while on horseback.

Spirit Untamed is not only a sequel coming 19 years after the original film hit theaters, it’s also based on the TV series Spirit Riding Free, which premiered on Netflix in 2017.

In the first trailer for Spirit Untamed, Lucky begins to learn a little about her mother’s talent as a charra. “They say my mother was one of the greatest to ever ride,” Lucky says.

When Lucky and her father travel to a frontier town, Lucky befriends a wild horse and decides she needs to take him back to his family, so that he can run free.

After Lucky is almost killed riding the horse, who she names Spirit, her father tells her to stay away from the animal. Lucky, however, feels a bond to Spirit and the spirit of her mother that is connected to the horses. So, she and two of her friends take off on an adventure to reunite Spirit with his herd.

Here’s to hoping for an inspirational movie that spotlights Mexican culture in a beautiful way for families across the country.

Spirit Untamed premieres in theaters June 4.