
Texas Oil Tycoon Joe T. Hodo Is Seeking Mexico’s Presidency in New Webseries

If the current American election has taught us anything is that politics is comedy gold. It helps when you have an outsized blubbering billionaire running for president. That is precisely what Greg “Gringoyo” Berger is counting on for his next project. The Jewish New Yorker documentary filmmaker has spent the past couple of years working in Mexico blending political satire and laugh-out-loud gags. Through his exaggerated gringo alter-egos (including the aforementioned “Gringoyo”) he’s skewered American media’s views on immigration (DANGER: Journalists Crossing), the war on drugs (Narco-Mania) and fracking (Frack U. Mexico).

Next up? A webseries centering on Frack U. Mexico leading man “Joe T. Hodo” — gotta love the name — a Texas oil tycoon who has now set his eyes on the Mexican presidency. But, in order to ingratiate himself to the Mexican public (and despite his, let’s say, unmistakeable American accent), Hodo will be traveling around the country South of the border all but guaranteeing some of the socially-conscious humor that has marked Berger’s recent work. The series is a sequel of sorts to the hilarious web short Frack U. Mexico, and both star Berger as Joe T. Hodo.

This upcoming project will be produced by Narco News TV (“making cable news obsolete since 2010”), an outgrowth of the School of Authentic Journalism, “the world’s only tuition-free school that teaches the art of effectively communicating the stories of social movements to change the world using all forms of available media.” The tuition-free aspect of this activist-driven school is made possible by donations and Berger and the School are currently seeking contributions via their Kickstarter campaign. So if you enjoy Gringoyo’s work and want to support an independently-funded media school that’s using humor to tackle timely political issues, be sure to visit their page and contribute. There really is no better way to make America great again than by supporting a web series lampooning a hilariously wealthy American hoping to win a national election.