Lopez Tonight to See No Tomorrow

TBS has decided to cancel George Lopez’s half-handed stab at a late night show: Lopez Tonight. Sadly, this season had such low ratings nobody might notice.

Despite heroic efforts to salvage Lopez Tonight –including “Twilight Week” where Lopez interviewed the cast, embarrassed them through three installments of “Twilight’s got Talent,” and had the crowd cheer incessantly when Kristen Stewart admitted she liked cooking Mexican food– the season was going so badly that 90’s reruns on Teen Nick drew twice as many viewers a couple weeks ago.

Rumors that the show might be cut started after the show’s first season, when TBS announced the arrival of Conan O’ Brien to the cable universe. Lopez’s show was bumped from 11pm to midnight, which many interpreted as a demotion when in fact the Lopez owes his second season to O’Brien’s explicit request that he stay.

Coco’s being blamed once more for Lopez’s demise, since melodramáticos like to believe O’Brien’s plummeting ratings were not sufficient lead-in to convince audiences to stay tuned. To be honest, this painful spoof of Lopez replying to twitter questions  was enough to inspire the Zzzzzzz’s in us -Coco or no Coco.

Tomorrow will be the last installment of the late night fiasco, and Lopez plans to go out with a bang. Tonight he will be interviewing Jessica Alba, who we would have lost interest in after Fantastic Four were it not for the fact que está mas buena que… well, anything and everything. To conclude an obituary that’s already disproportionately long compared to the impact of Lopez Tonight, we leave you with this clip of the show at its -still excruciating- best.