
Watch a Clip of the Horror Movie Oscar Isaac Made as a Kid

Lead Photo: Creative Commons "SDCC 2015 - Oscar Isaac" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY 2.0

With more than six months to go until the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the cast of the sure-to-be blockbuster hit have already started hitting the talk shows to hype us up. On Thursday night, our favorite Guatemalan-Cuban actor, Oscar Isaac, appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to tease his character Poe Dameron’s role and talk about his first experience with the franchise. He revealed that he worked closely with the late Carrie Fisher, who ended up smacking him in the face about 27 times in order to get the best take. Unfortunately, in order to keep getting that Disney money, there’s only so much that he could say. Instead, he treated us to a clip from a movie – directed by his dad – that starred him as a pre-teen monster.

Calling it his first role, Isaac explained that just like Darth Vader, love led to his villainous character’s downfall. Check out the adorable clip above.