
Here’s Why People Are Still Freaking Out Over Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain

Lead Photo: Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/Getty Images
Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/Getty Images

Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain have been friends for years. You can tell too, their easy demeanor — both on the red carpet and in the footage that has been released from their HBO miniseries collaboration Scenes from a Marriage, make their chemistry apparent. Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain are also really, really good at selling that chemistry. It’s their job, after all.

As the two walked the red carpet during the Venice Film Festival, that spark that two people who like each other and who are also very good at both the acting part and the promotion part, came out. Predictably, the internet lost it and is still losing it. How could it be otherwise? It’s hard to take your eyes off of them.

The intimate moment happened as the two were posing for a picture. Jessica’s arm was around Oscar’s shoulders and at one point he turned to her, and, as one does, trailed his hand over her arm before …eh, kissing her bicep?

The whole thing was a lot, her smiley reaction turned it up a notch and that’s without going into his smoldering look — which, to be fair, is practically an Oscar Isaac default.


Chastain responded on her Twitter with a picture of Morticia and Gomez Addams from The Addams Family, basically making fun of the moment with Isaac and teasing their upcoming show. And if the intent was to make us curious enough to watch Scenes from a Marriage, here’s to a job well done. We’ll be tuning in.

Scenes from a Marriage premieres on HBO on September 12th, 2021.