Oscar Isaac (Moon Knight) is set to star alongside Academy Award nominee Kristen Stewart (Twilight) in the vampire thriller, Flesh of the Gods. Set in 1980s Los Angeles, the film tells the story of Raoul (Isaac) and Alex (Stewart), a married couple who cross paths with a “mysterious and enigmatic” character who introduces them to “a glamorous, surrealistic world of hedonism, thrills and violence.”
Flesh of the Gods will be directed by Panos Cosmatos (Mandy) from a screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker (Se7en). It is being produced by Adam McKay (Don’t Look Up).
“Like Los Angeles itself, Flesh of the Gods inhabits the liminal realm between fantasy and nightmare,” Cosmatos told Deadline. “Both propulsive and hypnotic, Flesh will take you on a hot rod joy ride deep into the glittering heart of hell.”
It would be an understatement to describe McKay as “excited” about the project, although that is the word he used when making a statement about the planned movie.
“This director, this writer, these incredible actors, vampires, choice 80’s punk, style and attitude for miles … that’s the film we’re bringing you today,” he said. “We think it’s wildly commercial and wildly artful. Our ambitions are to make a movie that ripples through popular culture, fashion, music, and film.”
Currently, Oscar Isaac is making Guillermo Del Toro’s cinematic version of the classic tale Frankenstein. Isaac is portraying Dr. Victor Frankenstein, while Jacob Elordi (Priscilla) is playing his creation, The Monster. Other cast members include Mia Goth (Pearl) and two-time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained).