
¿Quebrando Mal? Univision Greenlights 'Breaking Bad' Remake

Word on the street is Univision has been given the official Go for their adaptation of Breaking Bad. The drug pushers we’ve come to loathe and love, ‘Walter’ and ‘Jesse’ will be transformed into ‘Willie y Jose’ on UniMás, Univision’s channel for us millenials. Hopefully Metastasis main characters will have more original names than I conjured up, but the premise of the show will remain exactly the same. In talks for the two leads are Diego Trujillo, most recently seen in El Capo (so good!) and eye-candy Roberto Urbina. Can anyone think of a bearable Latino remake of an incredibly unique American show? Me neither. Nonetheless, the show’s release is planned for 2014 so keep your ear to the ground. What will they try to remake next? Gossip Girl?! Oh wait…that’s happening too.