
The Best TV Shows of 2012

Latino 101

This original Nuvo TV comedy series is a step in the right direction. The format is reminiscent of Vh1’s hilarious “Best Week Ever” – a group of comedians and celebrities, including the legendary Charo, are give you their take on all things Latino – from “Non-Latino Things Latinos Love” to “How to Sell Out.” Sure, they on occasion exploit stereotypes for comedic purposes, but they do it in a self-aware way that feels more like an inside joke than anything else. As their intro disclaimer says (read by a heavily accented man, by the way):

“The views and commentaries expressed on the following program may not reflect your opinions, views, ideas, perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, philosophies, or impressions regarding the stereotypical representation of Latinos. As a matter of fact, we find some of this content offensive ourselves.”

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