The Mexican animated horror flick La Leyenda de la Nahuala has already spawned three sequels since its release in 2007. There was La Leyenda de la Llorona in 2011, La Leyenda de las Momias three years later, and then La Leyenda del Chupacabras just last year. The Mexico City-based production company, Ánima Estudios, has clearly found a formula that works, telling stories about a young boy fighting monsters from Mexican folklore in 2D animation that the entire family can enjoy. Next up, young Leo San Juan will be facing his most terrifying opponent yet: el Charro Negro.
In the first teaser for the upcoming animated film, La leyenda del Charro Negro, we see the spooky rider on his black horse, donning his signature Charro costume. And while Leo San Juan tries to make a deal with the mysterious man – in itself always a bad idea if you know anything about this mythic tale – the red-eyed rider lets it be known he’s not keen on engaging a little boy like himself. And in case you needed a primer on the many stories surrounding el Charro Negro, two familiar faces from the La Leyendas franchise are here to help. At the end of the teaser, the colorful Alebrije de la Biblioteca informs the fresa-sounding ghost of young Teodora that if you strike a bargain with el Charro Negro, he’s likely to grant you a wish. In exchange for your soul, of course. For obvious reasons, Teodora is less interested in hearing that last part. Check out this first look in full below.