Shortly after debuting its Mexico City-centered Mexican Dynasties, Bravo is throwing its weight behind another show that centers Mexican culture. This time, though, it focuses on a group of Mexican-Americans in San Antonio, Texas. Boasting one of the largest Latino populations in the United States, San Antonio’s rich Mexican culture and flare will be on full display in Texicanas. Taking a page out of the shows Bravo produces and markets so well, this latest reality TV series focuses on, as its synopsis tells us, “a stylish group of San Antonio sophisticates as they try to balance their social lives and the demands of raising a family.”
At the center of it all, and serving as the de-facto narrator of the show is Penny Ayarzagoitia. As she informs us in the trailer for Texicanas, everyone knows everyone in San Antonio—especially if you’re Mexican. Which is why we get to follow her and her “crazy amigas” (her words) who try to navigate what it means to be American while honoring their heritage. In the show’s first teaser trailer, we get to meet all her friends in quick spurts: There’s Lorena Martinez, whom she describes as a very traditional Mexican woman (you first see her making guac in the promo, much to her children’s horror). There’s Luz Ortiz, who says she’s out of the box, which makes for a lovely visual pun as she’s shown boxing and thus not sticking to any kind of tradition. There’s self-described “recovering perfectionist” Mayra Farret who looks like she’d never be seen without makeup in public. She’s the foil to Anayancy Nolasco who mistakes Bill Clinton for George Washington as she preps for her citizenship test. And finally there’s Karla Ramirez “who can be a bit of a diva”: “I’m not a diva,” she insists.
Their sisterhood will see them through parties on yachts, pole-dancing workouts, shooting ranges, and yes, the requisite catfights that this genre is best known for. It’s no surprise to hear Penny tell us about a famous Mexican saying: “Las palabras de tu boca, son como una piedra en un cabestrillo,” which the English subtitles all but butcher: “The words of your mouth are like a stone in a sling.” Aka these ladies won’t be mincing their words as there’ll be drama throughout, from accusations of inappropriate flirtations to full-blown debates about what constitutes assault (!) Bonus: stay through the end of the teaser to see how many times you hear “Chinga tu madre!” being yelled out.