
What Happens When Ecuadorian and Filipino Cuisines Meet? Find Out at This Ñom NYC Event

Lead Photo: Maharlika NYC
Maharlika NYC

In 2013, NPR posed a question about what would happen if Asian and Latino foods were combined; would they be “spicy, tasty or confused?” Of course, many people already knew the answer: it would be Filipino food and it would be ñom. And though back then some of our Filiprimos felt their cuisine was overlooked, it seems like the culinary world is finally catching up.

“Filipino food, flavors, and ingredients are gaining more and more interest with chefs who don’t necessarily come from Philippine heritage,” Manhattan restaurant Maharlika Filipino Moderno said in a press release. “It’s inspiring to see our culture influence other cuisines and create a new language of food.”

And on February 23, that’s exactly what will happen as Filipino and Ecuadorian cuisine come together for the next Guest Chef Series – an incubator program that gives chefs and entrepreneurs a chance to show off new dishes. Chefs Humberto Guallpa, Miguel Trinidad, and Carlos La Cruz will be cooking up a six-course meal based on the two countries.

The whole thing costs $85 a head, but it is one delish cuisine + another delish cuisine. Make a reservation here.