
Prospect Park Food Truck Rally Features Non-Mexican Tacos

Twitter: @BarbotRobot

I love food trucks – they combine all the satisfaction of delicious grilled food with all the unsavoriness of approaching a dingy van and asking the sweaty guy inside for a favor. That’s why I’m stoked for the Food Truck Rally going on this Sunday, May 27th in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza. Looking at the lineup, however, I noticed something interesting: of the almost thirty trucks participating, only three serve tacos, and of those three, none are Mexican. There’s the Kimchi Taco Truck, which is Korean; there’s Pera’s Turkish Tacos; and there’s Mexicue, which is pretty tasty but definitely American.

In fact, Pera’s and the Kimchi truck are also delicious, but we can’t help but wonder what it is about the taco that makes it so easily adaptable to other cultures and cuisines? Is it the ease of creation? Is it the appeal of flatbreads? Is it the throw-anything-into-it appeal? What do you think?

Whatever you do, make sure to get some Cuban at the Bongo’s truck.