Snacks on Snacks on Snacks: A Hot Cheetos & Takis-Inspired Snack Roundup

Twitter: @AndreaGompf

By now everyone has probably heard of Hot Cheetos & Takis, the summer’s best (and also most adorable) banger. If not, you need to stop everything you’re doing and watch the video immediately and also welcome the internet into your heart:

[insert-video youtube=7YLy4j8EZIk]

The song, authored and performed by the Y.N.RichKids of the Minneapolis North Community YMCA’s Beats and Rhymes Program, has been on rotation non-stop in the Remezcla office since it found its way to our browsers last week, because it is basically perfect in both form and content. Not only is Hot Cheetos & Takis a genuine jam, it is also about one of the subject matters closest to our heart: DELICIOUS SNACKS.

In particular, the Remezcla Estaff was pretty excited that Mexican chips Takis got some shine in the song – while the U.S. snack eating public already knows that Hot Cheetos are delicious, not everyone was aware of the scrumptriosity of the salsa and lemon powder-coated Takis mouth explosion. Consider, for instance, this recent thread from

Um. We got your message loud and clear Lanisha Satcher. Clearly, the general snack eating public needs our help. So we decided to heed the call and compile a list of a few of our favorite Latin American snacks, because sharing is caring, the more you know, etc. Without further ado:


Did you ever play that “blanket burrito” game when you were little? The one where you lay on one end of a blanket and then roll over to the other side until you’re all wrapped up in it? That’s basically what’s happening to the kid on the cover of the Choco Roles package, except he’s wrapped up with Piña, cream filling, and chocolate coating. YUM.


This Mexican candy, made from the pulp of the tamarindo fruit, is sweet, salty, tart, and spicy AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. An unbeatable combination. Too bad it was recently found to contain trace amounts of lead 🙁


If you took Kix cereal and dipped them in Colombian chocolate and added fairy dust you would get Chokis. This snack manages to be delicious AND gluten free, which may be the first time I’ve used those two terms in the same sentence. Kudos to you Chokis. Kudos to you.


More popularly pronounced “Cornú,” these snacks consist of deep fried corn kernels coated in salt and other flavorings (chile picante, nacho cheese, caliente mix, lime, chorizo chipotle, etc.). As science has proven, anything deep fried and salty is automatically delicious. I’m just stating facts here. Empirical evidence also shows that the only way to eat this snack is by shoveling giant handfuls into your mouth at increasingly frantic rates, pausing only for breathing and swallowing.


When Girl Scout season rolls around, it’s not uncommon to see full grown adults trampling over one another in the quest to stock up on Samoas. Latinos don’t play with that seasonal stuff – we need access to coconut cookies all year round and in several permutations: including “classic” and  “cocosette maxi” mmmmmm.

These are just a few of the many snacks that make us scream “BOW SNACK SNACK SNACK CRUNCH.” Really, we could go on forever with this list – other honorable mentions include Gansito, Mamut, Churrumais, Chamoy, Manimoto, Churritos, Palitos de Queso, Galletas María, Manichos, Riskos, Helados Pinguinos, Skwinkles Rellenos, Doña Pepas, Chaca-Chaca, Tostilocos, Cacahuetes Japoneses, and Panki – and that’s just scratching the surface.

Got any Latino snacks that you think deserve their own song? Leave them in the comments below.