You’d think we were seriously mourning today with all the death screaming at you on our homepage. But, wonderfully enough, Dia de los Muertos is top 5 on the list of “favorite time of year.” And with the favorite time of year comes favorite things to consume. We dig rompope at Christmas. We like Tecates in a can during the 4th of July. What do we enjoy on November 2? Margaritas (or tequila is some form)! And Los Angeles margarita staple El Carmen is having a special $4 price for all margaritas tonight in celebration of this glorious Day of the Dead. Arrive and sit at the bar, or grab a table, and you’ll have your choice of thirst-quenching — and numbing — booze, including some mariachi music after 9pm. If you see us, maybe we’ll have a drink together. We’ll probably be wearing a mask and an “I Voted!” sticker.
Where: El Carmen Restaurant
8138 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles
When: 8pm-2am
Cost: FREE!
Also, don’t forget about Self Help Graphics awesome Dia de los Muertos event in East LA!