
Famed Miami Restaurant Versailles Sued After Former Employee Claims It’s Unsanitary

Lead Photo: Wally Gobetz
Wally Gobetz
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Versailles – the famous Miami restaurant that has served as a photo op spot for politicians for 40+ years – is being sued by a former employee. According to the Miami Herald, a new lawsuit alleges that the restaurant would not pass a sanitation inspection.

Former assistant manager Claudio Calderin claims there are roaches in the desserts, hair in food, and broken glass in croquetas, which is probably one of the worse things that could be said about a restaurant as beloved as Versailles. He alleges that when he complained, he was transferred to the night shift at La Carreta on Bird Road, and things weren’t much better there.

Calderin eventually quit, but he is suing Versailles, La Carreta and the Valls Group for lost pay and benefits, as well as emotional distress. The Valls family responded to the lawsuit and said that Calderin’s statement are “wholly without merit.”

The Miami Herald reports that there were only three “basic” violations at Versaille’s November inspection, but in September, there were five “high priority” violations.

Along with the lawsuit, there were several images submitted, purportedly examples of the infractions, including one of moldy cream cheese and one of rotten meat. Check them out below, but fair warning, they may make you gag: